Toothpick Star Experiment & Report

I like to have experiments in my program because they are both fun and they really teach kids lots of things if you turn it into a routine and have a report and evaluation activity afterwards.
That’s why I’m not only trying to find interesting experiments but also trying to include feedback activities like the one I’ll share with you.

I find them very useful because we can have the chance to talk about the experiment in a detailed way and it is a kind of revision, too. Kids can take the reports home and explain the activity to their families or you can keep them to present during a sharing day if your school is doing such an activity.
Ok, wrote too much 🙂 Let’s look at some pictures from the experiment and watch a video.


But first, here is what you need:

  • 5 wooden toothpicks

  • a dropper or a drinking straw

  • water

Steps: (You can watch the video)

  • Bend the 5 toothpicks in the middle but do not break them completely.

  • Put the 5 broken toothpicks in a circle with the broken points touching one another.

  • Carefully put a few drops of water in the middle using a dropper or a straw.

  • Now wait and watch how the toothpicks glide into place to form a star!

I gave them 5 colorless toothpicks so they colored them with crayons 🙂 They loved it! It is also good for their fine-motor skills…

Later on, I let them play with the straw and water. At first it wasn’t easy to do, but then they got the idea.

You can download the Toothpick Star Experiment report HERE.
How to use it: Kids color the black and white versions and cut them out. Later, they stick them on the colored pieces. Open / shut them 🙂 Ta taa!
It is like one of those activities you can see in interactive notebooks.
Anyways, you can make any changes on this one as it is a Word document. Hope you like it 🙂

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