Lesson Plan for 4-5-6 Year Olds – online lessons #1

Two days ago, I was still not sure of the exact lesson plan so I called my partner Yağmur Denizhan to share ideas and have some final brainstorming. Couple of minutes, we had a very interactive and fun lesson plan for our 4 – 6 year olds.

I’ve done many webinars and I have a 12 hour Online Course, but none of them gave me cramps like this one: Teaching little kids online!

lesson plan for 4 - 6 years olds

OK, I’m just gonna come to the conclusion 🙂 Despite my son’s crying at the beginning of the lesson, everything went well and we even passed our time 🙂

We haven’t invented anything new, but the whole plan worked very well, so I wanted to share the same flow with you.

Tip: Some teachers taught kids to mute their mics while not talking. If you don’t want to hear background noises you can ask their parents to help you with this.

online lesson plan
KALEV Anaokulu – kalev.k12.tr/

As this was the first lesson, we have started with greeting each other. One by one, I asked them “How are you?” and waited for the aswers. It was so cute.

Then, I showed them different feelings with my face 🙂 They laughed as they saw me doing silly face expressions.

Now it’s their turn! “Show me a scared face!”, “Show me a surprised face!”…

Next I called their names randomly, “Burak, show us a happy face.” “Nehir show us a bored face.”

After this activity, I showed my story cards and read the last story we were reading back at the school. They are used to repeating the sentences, so we did the same here, too. I read once sentence from the story and they repeated the lines. This way, they learn the story by heart and read it to their parents or friends.

After a short reading activity, I showed them plain colored objects and asked them their colors and shapes etc. “What color is it? It’s blue.” What is it? It’s a white cat.”

When we finished talking about the objects, I showed them one of these objects and asked them to find and show us an object with the same color of it. I didn’t expect it to be so smooth but it was… They jumped out of their seat and found something with that color and showed it. Lovely!

One by one, I named their objects. “Yes’ That’s black! That’s a black remote controller” 🙂

When we finished all the colors, the lesson was over. I love you kids, see you next time ^_^

I hope these coronavirus days pass as soon as possible and we can go back to our normal lives. I missed my kids and my school too much.

You can continue to read my lockdown online lesson adventure HERE



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